Conference Venue


Université Paris Cité, France


Add: 45 Rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris, France

Université Paris Cité covers a wide range of disciplines, with one of the most comprehensive and ambitious educational offerings available in the world. Located on some twenty campuses and research sites, our University has an exceptional heritage within Paris and its inner suburbs. Between history, prestige and modernity, Université Paris Cité is fully integrated into its urban environment.

At the heart of a global network of knowledge and innovation, Université Paris Cité is France’s leading multidisciplinary university. It covers a wide range of disciplines, with one of the most comprehensive and ambitious educational offerings available in the world. Université Paris Cité is part of the incarnation of a world city, aware of its place and missions, open to youth and knowledge.

Born in 2019 from the merger of the universities of Paris Diderot, Paris Descartes and Institut de physique du globe de Paris, the ambition of Université Paris Cité is to lead and develop an exceptional potential to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s society. Université Paris Cité is fully engaged in an experience that brings together thought leadership, pedagogical innovation in education, and excellence in research at the graduate level.


The organizer will not be responsible for accommodation booking, participants are recommended for reservation early if you have special requirements. And if there is someone in the hotel asking you for the check-in-out date or credit card information, please tell the conference secretary at the first time before providing any information.